Friday 9 September 2011

Statement of Intent

Okay, so, let's start off this blog with the Statement of intent. Here we go...

Who I am:
Hello, my name is Conor Geraghty. I study Media aswell as RS, Film and English Lanugage. I am 6 foot 2 inches tall and I like to wear a hat. One of my favourite parts of being in a media studies class is the teamwork in the groups I work with. I'm very happy to work in the team and I am most comfortably asigned with the task of creating story-boards/ideas.

What am I doing:
In this blog, I will be recording plans and updates on the coursework that has been asigned to me this year: Making a music video with a digipak and an advert designed to be placed in a music magazine of sorts.

What did I do for last years coursework:
For last year's coursework, I made a  blog similar to this one to record my progress on a magazine project.
I recorded such things as concpets for the magazine covers and pages etc, Planned and finished pictures I had taken and my evaluation. I hope to do the same this year.

What I hope to achieve through this project:
During this project I hope to improve my video editing skills and camera work, and if in my group that's not what I am asigned to do, then I will try an improve my Photoshop skills and/or written work in the project. Not only that, but I hope to gain more project managment skills and learn much more about media within the music industry. That and finishing the project, of course.

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