Tuesday 20 September 2011

Shared analysis



Band: The King Blues
Song: Save the world get the girl
Genre: Indie/Punk

Costumes: The band have rough/indie style music. This is reflected in their clothing with worn out hats, vintage T-shirts and skinny fit jeans/trousers. Their clothes are casual and worn. Again their fan base would relate to this as the band aren’t trying to be something their not.
Storyline: The video starts with the band loading their van to presumably go to their next venue. This is shown though snippets of stop motion throughout the video. It shows a toy van on its path across a map. The band get to their venue, unload, setup and play. There are lots of shots from previous performances at festivals and inside gigs. This type of story line containing clips from gigs works well as the initial narrative is easy to follow and doesn’t take or away from the music or get lost in it. It compliments the music genre well.
Performance: The band don’t perform especially for this video as all the shots of the performances are from lots of different previous gigs. This gives the fans a chance to get to see the band perform live. Seeing bands live is a big part of an indie/punk rock following.
Style and Colour: The style of this video overall has a vintage, laid back feel. For example, a sepia tint on screen in certain shots. This reflects the bands laid back attitude towards style. Vintage and washed out colours are a convention of the indie genre and so are frequently used in this music video. The stop motion element of the video gives a fun, childlike quality and reiterates their laid back, fun attitude. The audience can relate to this as it’s not threatening or brash.


Video Analysis - Faye

Band - Bombay Bicycle Club -  
Song - Dust on the ground
Genre - Indie.

The location of this video to start with is in a woods, they then progress to the grounds of a large house, the final location is inside the house, where many of the rooms are shown.
The costumes for this video are very casual, for the band members, the girls wear white dresses which is a contrast of their personality which is later shown in the video. The dresses are quite old fashioned and plain, which in someways relates to the style of the song, as it is quite slow.
The story line of this video shows the band members watching a group of girls, the girls look sweet and innocent in the beginning, but this look is later changed as you see one of them with a gun behind their back. Another thing which changes their innocent look is the fact one of the girls wipes blood of another girl’s knee, she then proceeds to put this blood on her lips as a lipstick. The band members see this and escape from the house as fast as they can.
There is no live performance from the band, they do appear in the video, the lead singer sings in the video, although, not every time the camera is focused on him.
The style of the video is quite an old fashioned, washed out approach. The washed out colours make the video seem alot older than it is. At random points in the video there are bright lights which give the video a fairty tale "Alice in Wonderland" feel to it.
The colour in the video up until 0:45 the colours are constantly bright and vibrant, as it is the outdoors there is lots of green grass, green tree's and colourful flowers, after 0:45 the colours turn to be very boring, there is a contrast between the girl's white dresses and the boring, cold colours of the inside of the house. 

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