Monday 12 September 2011

Ideas & plans: Band, Genre and Package

I'll be noting down what Ideas come into my mind on this part of my journal. These are my own personal ideas and may differ from the finished project, judging by what my entire group decides on what they want to do for the final project. So far I only have 1 idea in my head from 12/09/2011. Updates may come soon and when they do I shall note them down next to the information given under this text.

Plan #1:

Band: Random Hand - Play some ska

Genre: Ska/Rock/Metal


The idea I had for the video is quite a simple style. Instead of having a music video being a transition from a band playing to a story line based on the song; there would only be one scene for the band to play in, which would be the entire band's set up in a white room. Considering there is no real story you can put to a song which main line is the repeated phrase "like to play some play some ska yeah I'd like to play some ska."

In the video the band members are freely aloud to be as crazy as they want to infront of the camera during the chourus and calm during the verse, while playing the song, so there will need to be a cast of people who can actually play musical instruments. As well as the cast doing such things as head-banging during the chorus the white back ground will turn black and start flashing as if it were a broken light, so there must be a warning given to those who suffer from epileptic fits. As well as the band, backing people will be needed for the chorus as well. I have to think a little bit more about what they should do while in the background though, but I will update this blog when that idea comes to mind.

From my research, digipaks contain things from posters, to music videos, to 'making of' videos and to posters, so there isn't much variety that can be included in one, but the appearance can differ from other Digipaks. Since the random hand is a lighter heart of metal, colours such as black and white will still be in the mix ( colours usually asociated with punk/metal bands ) but it will also have a little more colour than that. For examlpe, I have an idea to make it so the random hand's digipack is a black, brick styled background with the words "Random Hand" sprayed onto it to give it a grafitii look. Slight red will also be included to boarder the words. As for the contence, the digipak will be a gate fold with the content tucked into a sleave. These include a DVD of the making of music video, a poster of the band signed by each member and a hidden track. So not only does the special/limited addition look nice, but it also has content to actually make it a specail purchase.

My idea of the advert is something I think needs touched up on, so I think I will be updating this part of the idea post the most. That rhyme was not intentional. For an advert for the band's new sale on a digipak I had the plan of making the background of the ad the same background of the digipak. The addition being that there will be a group photo of the band on this advert and at the bottom of the poster will be a picture of the digipak with all the content out of it, including it's CD. The advert will display a release date, price and breifly sum up what is in the digipak.

For now, this is my only idea for the project, but whenever I come up with new things to add, I will update this post and include the time of date to note down when I had the sudden spark of genious, if it can be called that.

========EDIT: 16TH SEPTEMBER 2011========

After meeting with my new asigned group, we agreed that for our idea we would use the music from Jamie T to preform a chase video. Unfortunetly, this means that the information above is out-dated, but I decided to keep it up, just to show what my original plans were.

We are currently researching videos to gain ideas for what the video shall include.

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