Thursday 22 September 2011

Magazine Advert Analysis

For my part of the magazine analysis, I will be taking a look at this advert for a Pendulum Album.

The colour layout of the poster has a nice neon yellow onto black. If the ad simply had just a black background with a symbolm, they would assume that this looks more like a heavy metal band, due to the conventions of having a dull black background. However, with added use of neon, and the picture of an alien planet in the back of the symbol, we now know that this band is more in the drum and bass scene. The reason why neon sparks this idea goes back to the use of neon colours in clubs and raves. Because of this, we asociate that neon colours are a convention of drum and bass/techno songs. But since Pendulum falls under the Cateagory of "Drum&Bass/Metal" it also has elements of a metal look to it. An example of this would be what I said near the beginning; the dark colours and black give this a metal feel, but the added use of neon lighting shows the element of drum and bass. The look of the symbol and colours is also similar to the Pendulum albums themselves, so long fans of the band will be instantly farmiliar with the poster and band.

Other than this, the advert contains basic information, such as: Band Name, Release date, tour date, tour information and aditional info, such as sponsors etc. Below the band name, there is also a sub-title describing just what it is advertising in a breif sentence. 


The next advert is one for the artist "Bat For Lashes"

She is treated more of an inde/folk genre, and this is shown well in the page. When we think of folk, we associate it with older music that is native to us, and so in this picture she is depicted as a native American, wearing things such as handmade clothes, a bandanna with a charm on it and has two horizontal lines, parallel to each other on her cheeks. The poster its self is also has a handmade feel, mainly to complement the folk feeling of how everything they created, including the clothes on their backs were made by hand. Even the font looks like it has been made of different materials. The colours however are not that bright, and have a washed out feeling to it, but this is due to the genre again, and mostly her song topics. Half of her songs aren't about the happy things in life, but more about dealing with the hard times. Other than this, the poster does not give much information, such as a release date and such, so it's missing a crucial part of what makes it an advertisement.


The last magazine advert I will be looking at is one I remember from my childhood. This is for the Green Day Album, American Idiot.

Green Day is highly known as one of the most popular punk/inde bands in the world. They usually deal with topics such as rebellion and rising up to the man, but this was an album where they also dealt with more sensitive topics. For example, it contrasts from one song "Holiday", which is basically sings about outlaws fighting a war against their own country- to "Wake me up when September ends." This song does keep up with the war topic, but more about how it effects other people. The song focuses on how a family loses their son to the war. That combination or emotion and war is summed up well in this advertisement. An image of a first rising up, portrayed a lot similar to many propaganda posters . The arm is also holding a hand grenade. This shows that the album will hold the aspect of war; but because of the grenade being in the shape of a heart , it shows that other topics will be about the darker side of fighting and going to war, and the impact that it has on other people's families, lovers and friends. The text also has a worn down war-like feel to it, complementing what the whole album is set out to be. Again, my only criticism is the fact that it has no showing of a date of the album's release.   

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